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Age related Macular Degeneration

A condition that affects the macula, a part of the retina responsible for central vison. it leads to a loss of fine detail vision, both near and far. 


A refractive error in the eye that causes light rays to fail to focus on the retina properly due to variations in refraction across different meridians of the eye. 


Inflammation of the eyelid margins, often referred to as  dandruff of the eyelids.


Clouding of the eye's crystalline lens or its capsule, resulting in a decrease in visual acuity. 



Occurs when the conjunctiva, the thin membrane covering the white part of the eye, becomes irritated due to infection or allergies. It leads to redness, swelling, and sometimes sticky discharge. 

Corneal Abrasion

An erosion of the superficial layer of the epithelium of the cornea which can be quite painful. 

Flashes of light

Pinpricks or spots of light that appear in the field of vision. They are caused by physical force on the retina. 


Small specks, dots, circles, lines, or cobwebs that appear in the field of vision. They seem to be in front of your eye. It can lead to vison loss.


A disease that damages the optic nerve, often associated with increased pressure inside the eye. it can lead to vision loss.


Bright circles of light that surround headlights and other light sources, which can be troublesome for individuals with certain eye conditions. 

Herpes keratitis

A viral infection of the eye caused by the herpes simplex virus. 


A type of refractive surgery that uses a laser to treat vison problems caued by refractive errors by changing the shape of the cornea.

Retinal Detachment

A condition where the retina separates from the choroid, leading to vision impairment. 


A painful red rash with blisters caused by the herpes zoster virus, which can affect the eye area.

Ocular hypertension

A condition where the pressure inside the eye (interocular pressure or IOP) is higher than normal, potentially leading to glaucoma. 

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